Ripple Mirror Shout (2018) is a work for daxophone, soprano, and interactive electronics, composed by Sarah Belle Reid. It was premiered at REDCAT (Los Angeles, CA) on October 24, 2018, by Kathryn Shuman (voice + electronics) and Ryan Gaston (daxophone + electronics).
program/listening notes for Ripple Mirror Shout
This piece explores an expanded, non-linear model of protention (anticipation) and retention (memory) by embedding memory and recollection tasks into the performance instructions. Throughout the piece, the performers are directed to not only play their individual parts, but also to listen to their ensemble partner, to themselves, and to the overall ensemble interplay in specific ways, and to remember and react to events that register as meaningful to them.
As the piece progresses, the way in which this conscious retention and recollection occurs changes, requiring the performers to alter their mode of listening and temporal perception in real time.