We are once again thrilled to present this month’s Exit Points concert to you. Mark your calendar for Friday, June 28 and be there!
Featuring tenor saxophone, grand pianos, electric guitar, vocals, trumpet, live processing, modular synthesizers and a toy piano!
Exit Points 50
Friday, June 28
Doors open: 7:30pm
Show begins: 8pm sharp
Venue: Array Music, 155 Walnut Ave, 2nd Floor. Main entrance at top of a silver accessibility ramp. Building is accessible (ramp, elevator, washroom)
Ensemble 1: Nirvana Sagar, Alexis Dionne, Hymns57, Donovan Locke, Jackie Leung
Ensemble 2: Wendelin Bartley, Sarah Belle Reid, El Mahboob, Stephanie Chua, Michael Palumbo
Set 3: Switchemups! (Audience guests sit in with performers for several 5-minute pieces)
Exit Points is supported by generous funding from the Toronto Arts Council and the Ted Fund.